

SelfDrvn is Data-driven Employee Engagement Platform that enables Self-Motivated, Outcome-driven Culture. It Uses Gamification and Nudges to drive the desired Change and Behaviors.
SelfDrvn Enterprise

SelfDrvn Enterprise

SelfDrvn is Data-driven Employee Engagement Platform that enables Self-Motivated, Outcome-driven Culture. It Uses Gamification and Nudges to drive the desired Change and Behaviors.


The spotify-like for solution to grow employee’s personal growth, professional development & financial wellness with bite-sized personalised daily learning & a mentor marketplace in one place, Elladex provides the perfect solution to create, grow &...


Hybrid work has upended people and real estate. Organizations are struggling to efficiently plan & manage teams and offices via manual processes and siloed solutions. Calven was born through a need to find a single technology solution to power our rapidly changing...